Monday, December 12, 2011

Final Project:

Riffing on the idea of radical history audiotours, my project focuses on the creation of a website for posting of said tours. 

Photos of placement around town:

Screen shots from the website:

And a copy of the poster corresponding with the location:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Contextualizing History: Locative History and Radicalism

Note: for full citation, please see link

In 1980 Howard Zinn published a seminal work, The People’s History Of The United States. The book had the goal of a “silent revolution”, by infiltrating the academic sphere with alternative, radical history. It went through a gave a history of Columbus massacring Natives and how America's founding fathers instigated revolution to gain control. This book shook the academic world and was only one part of the idea of promoting Radical History. This idea of Radical history seeks to tell a narrative that is separate from the mainstream ideas. All points of historical significance have multiple angles and perspectives. Radical comes from a Latin term meaning “root”, Radical history then has the ultimate goal of going for the root of history, in this case people’s history. Radical history is guided by the idea that people’s experiences and struggles are of utmost importance. Radical history also throws away the idea that history must be objective, and commonly uses historical experience to denounce and discredit the status quo. To this end  radical history often can be used to tell the story of those who resist oppression and domination especially against empire and capital.
    Locative History can be defined as history rooted in location. In the American experience, Gettysburg is known for this. Seen for commemorating the dead, the space is kept sacred. There is a power to sites of historical significance. Washington DC is extremely good at this sort of back and forth with meaning and importance of certain spaces. Ford’s Theater, where Lincoln is especially good at preserving a slice of time, from the actual theater that functions both as a theater and as a memorial of this president, to the room across the street that still holds the pillow stained with blood. This sort of memorial quality is a sort of historical haunting, reminding people of history of the experiences of the dead. This is where radical history is divergent. Radical history is less about the experiences of the dead, and more about how past experiences have affected processes to result in our current situations. Due to the ability for radical history to be left out of mainstream history, the locations are often left un-commerated, to be built over and forgotten. Its also the case that when radical history is celebrated, such as the 1960s anti war movement, it is “othered” and seems distant to present day participants. Radical history is put in a light of an unobtainable situation, that everything was “just right” to allow for these past situations, therefore can not be repeated or even approved upon. The radical narrative is also too often told by those who denounce the past or were on the opposite side of struggle.
    In Oakland, California, there is a rich radical history that is based in people’s struggles. One of the major events was the 1946 General Strike. The general strike lasted for 3 days as workers all over Oakland walked off their jobs to protest the continuing resistance of unionization at Hastings and Khan’s department stores. Today that same area of Oakland is known as “Oaksterdam”  due to the density of pot clubs. What exists to commemorate this is a faded plaque at the corner of Telegraph and Broadway. This is a rare occurrence, as most locations of historical significance don’t have any of this official recognition. Other situations of Labor history in Oakland have lead to national change in the railroad industry. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters in the 1930s and 40s was based in West Oakland, and became a strong hold for African American working class people. This union later became a part of the AFL-CIO. Yet nothing at their former office at Wood and 5th streets says anything to remember these events.
    Due to high concentrations of marginalized communities especially African Americans, The Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s had even more impact of Oakland communities. For example, The Black Panther Party was started in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale when they were at Merritt community college in North Oakland. The party’s goal was to forward the protection of  African Americans from police brutality. They also set up food programs in West Oakland that focused on getting hungry school children breakfast and food for their families. This sort of self sustaining and dismissive attitude of the police eventually lead to their demise, yet the history influenced politics in Oakland for years to come. Locations where the panthers had conflicts with police or where they served the community are largely forgotten. Members of the current black panther party have hosted Legacy Tours of spots of significance. A Major one being Little Bobby Hutton Memorial Park, or as the city calls it DeFremery Park. When the Black Panthers started their food programs and sickle cell testing every weekend, they renamed the park to commemorate Recently slain Panther Bobby Hutton. The park sat as a strong hold for rallies and protests for the party, yet today the park does nothing to remember the panther history. Even after years after the Black Panther Party’s heyday, the city has done little to hold this history. The tours mentioned above seem to be the only instance of this, and are completely unaffiliated with city government.
    These are just a few examples of specific instances of radical history. But why does this matter? In the book “Wobblies and Zapatistas” a concept is presented of “Guerrilla History”. This history, similar to radical history, denounces the existential dilemmas of the intellectual. History needs to be done by those involved in struggle. History for it to be effective for enabling the telling of change must come from the bottom up. History is never objective, mainstream historical recounting have a goal of enforcing the current order. Alternatives to mainstream history challenge this notion and therefore challenge the power structures that exist. This is not always for the better, but it is what it is. This is seen most commonly in the United States with regards to history of the civil war. In Arthur Schlesinger’s book Age of Jackson was a radical text, but the hero, President Andrew Jackson, was one who supported slavery and the killing of Indians. There is always resistance by current social orders to alternative and radical history, For example black panther history is one that is deeply rooted in affirming power of individual communities over government policing. The annoyance of this is obvious. Radical history is important if one wants to change the current social order. Locative Radical History, gives the history teeth and allows people to not only tell their stories but break the spell of control. When people can look out their window and see where people took power, they can be inspired to do the same when that time comes. Using history in this way is much similar to a foucauldian analysis, there is no historical necessity, things can always be and are often different than mainstream perceptions. Foucault argues that there is nothing more human to man than history. seeks to do just this. Through the oral tradition and utilizing the web and QR codes, everyday people are given the tools to tell their stories. With the increased pervasiveness of smart phones, these small gestures can be accessed by people walking down the street to find out what happened there. Also, using google maps, people who want to know more can create their own audio tours, around different struggles. From Labor to Race struggles, these DIY audio tours open up neighborhoods to people’s struggle. The project will start in Oakland, but the platform is built as such to encourage anyone to post their own. Right now very few avenues exist to post tours likes these in a central location. Through the recounting of Radical History, is a way to give power to the people who make history happen, and hopefully towards a better understanding of our world.

Works Cited
DelVecchio, Rick. "Tour of Black Panther Sites / Former Member Shows How Party Grew in Oakland - SFGate." Featured Articles From The SFGate. San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Oct. 1997. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

"Five Views: An Ethnic Historic Site Survey for California (Black Americans)." National Park Service Cultural Resources Discover History. National Park Service, 17 Nov. 2007. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

Flagpole. "THE CONSCIENCE OF THE PAST." Flagpole Magazine, 28 Feb. 1998. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

Lynd, Staughton, and Andrej Grubačić. Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History. Oakland, CA: PM, 2008. Print.

O'Farrell, Clare. "Key Concepts." 2007. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

Weir, Stan. "1946: The Oakland General Strike." 22 Nov. 2005. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <>.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Final Project Proposal

I am deciding to do my final project on radical history audio tours of Oakland. I will be launching a website shortly that will enable users to upload locations, audio and qrcode that can be posted at the location. Scanning the QR code will result in a link to the audio file.

As a result, my paper will focus on the importance of location based radical history and putting those places in to context. I am already looking at a book called "American Babylon" which goes through a radical history of oakland.

I hope to make this project a long standing one that will get other people to collaborate on as well.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Modern Derive: Journey to the end of night.

Journey to the End Of Night The city wide game called "Journey to the end of night" is a classic cop and robbers type game that spans throughout a city. The task is to get from one point of the city to the other while avoiding catchers. Those who make it, win! Above are photos from flickr that show the wandering aspects of JTTEON. The game allows the player to hide and run around the city to avoid capture, through this wandering is key. Its a strategic wandering to avoid loosing. Also the capture must have a wandering that will allow them to capture the maximum number of players.

Wandering Idea

My project will be a wandering of a route i take everyday, my bike ride to bart. Its a very simple route as you can see above. To create the derive, i will use a method of chance based on colors. At each intersection, If i see a color on the red spectrum, i will turn right, if i see something in the blue spectrum i will turn left. Otherwise i will go straight. I plan to track my route using GPS and perform my derive on a bicycle due to time constraints.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

AR Thoughts + 1968 student strike

I am really inspired to continue in the medium, but i think the goal should be ultimately to integrate the technology into our everyday lives. AR needs to go beyond a gimmick, and some how be utilized in a better way to further its usefulness, such as AR that is wrapped around a hard hat so you can find out information about a construction site, or a windshield in a car that gives you traffic info and general diagnostics. I'm going to look into AR better to try to make is smoother, and better to use. I think that it needs to break out of the cellphone realm a little bit. Our project was able to place the 1968 student strike, the largest problem was picture placement that moved around, when doing a history based locative project, its very important to have the locations be consistent. To further expand this project, i would have liked to set up 3d models to show the amount of protesters to give a full integrated view of the protests on campus.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

GoCars Reportback

My experience with the gocars through sf was sure interesting, but i felt it to be a bit lacking at times. for someone from the bay area, i know all the basic tourist destinations. I feel a large improvement in this tech would be to encourgage more random movement and tell you details about where you are, no matter what. Below is the map of our route:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

1968 Student Strike

Genevieve Hastings and I have deided to use layAR to overlay photos from the 1968 student strike. This will paint a picture in rememberence of this struggle of our schools history and also place historical photographs in the physical space in which they came.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Re-imagining Space: Freeways to Parkways

The Cypress Viaduct freeway was built in the 1950's and cut through west oakland. The freeway segregated space in such a dramatic way that it truly effected the feel of a formerly unified community. It's main goal was to assist commuters from newly built suburbs such as livermore and dublin faster access to San francisco, without driving through the neighborhoods and warehouse districts of west oakland.

The freeway collapsed after the Loma Prieta earthquake, and it was decided to never be rebuilt in the same way. Today the old cypress freeway is known as Mandela Parkway, which connects emeryville to west oakland. The space was radically re-imagined, where concrete and darkness stood, now grows trees and bicycle paths. My project creates interactive space that not only chronicles the history of this specific freeway and the results of a major disaster. explores how freeways can and do effect space drastically, and through natural disasters we can redefine space and our relations to it. With these ideas in hand, communities can consider how they want their spaces to look like, hopefully without the assistance of earthquakes.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a very new technology concept. I like the idea of using it to find out more information about the world around you. I'm not too into the concept of using it for gaming, but i see this as a logical result. The kinds of projects that i would be into if the ability to find secrets that only exist while in the AR.
I saw this cute rendition of AR the other day:

I think that AR will get its real push when the technology is able to be worn either in glasses or eye implants. I especially like this project:
It seeks to create a backpack system that alters your reality, i like how they have put it together and what it can do. 

This is another impressive project:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tracking the Cypress

The Cypress freeway in Oakland, CA collapsed during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. It resulted in the deaths of 42 people and completely destroyed the freeway. After the earthquake the area was revitalized into the "Mandela Parkway". Today the area looks completely different than it did when the freeway existed. My project is a tracking of the former freeway path, through GPS and video to give people a since of how an area has changed since the disaster, and what it means for the community that has sprouted around.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

QR code Dungeon Game

Taking after the old school dungeon games, my group decided to do a game based on the concept. We printed 9 simple QR codes, with a story to go along with it. We had to plan the story out ahead of time, as each QR code has you make a decision and go either left or right to find the next one. Choose wisely and you win! otherwise you'll be met by all kinds of horrible folk such as trolls, dragons, space bacon or snakes! This was a fun implementation of a classic dungeon concept, it enabled us to create a game others could play.The one draw back we found was that its very easy to quickly have a complicated game. resulting in a lot of qr codes needed to be printed.

Below are the codes, scan them to find out what they say!